Let Us Introduce Ourselves! 

Hello world, we are the Syzygy Institute (pronounced SIZ-uh-jee), founded by Bruce Hersey, LCSW, and Michelle Richardson, LCSW, two passionate and experienced IFS-Informed EMDR Therapists, Consultants and Trainers.

Syzygy Institute is a dedicated and heart-centered team of therapists who believe in thoughtful and powerful healing.

We merge the cutting edge approaches of EMDR and IFS with a lovely sprinkle of Coherence Therapy into a holistic methodology that creates paths for deep healing.


Our goal is to help you reach your clients more effectively and confidently with a systematic, integrated IFS-Informed EMDR approach.

Our robust workshops incorporate lecture, live demonstrations, and supported practice sessions. This experiential learning opportunity is welcoming, connected, and thorough so that you can begin using this integration with your clients following the workshop!

While we might like to credit this endeavor entirely to Self-Energy, we have to affirm our beloved protector parts in their contribution to these teachings and our efforts to spread them to the larger psychotherapy community - where would we be without some of our delightful thinking, organizing, therapizing, and teaching parts?

In Syzyzy Workshops, all parts are welcome! Come learn with us!

We believe in the value of experiential learning!

Our scaffolded practice sessions allow participants to absorb each step of the IFS-Informed EMDR process, while adhering to the EMDR protocol.


Oh, yes, our name! Here is what it means:

[SIZ-uh-jee] noun.

in terms of astronomy, the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (such as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system.

In our context, the gravitational system is natural healing and the bodies in alignment are EMDR Therapy, IFS Therapy and Coherence Therapy.

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